
Let Us Keep Up The Fight And The Candle Of Courage And Nobility Burning Ceaselessly In 2022

…Intersociety To Apostles And Disciples Of Justice And Other Nigerians

Onitsha, Eastern Nigeria, 26th Jan 2022

“Victims of Crime are persons, who, individually or collectively, have suffered harm including physical or mental injury, emotional suffering, economic loss or substantial impairment of their fundamental rights, through acts or omissions that are in violation of criminal laws operative within member-States, including those laws prohibiting abuse of power. The victims include, where necessary, the immediate family or dependant of the direct victim and persons who have suffered harm in intervening to assist people in distress or to prevent victimization”-United Nations Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime & Abuse of Office (1985).

Dear Justice Apostles and Disciples and Victims of State and Non State Crimes in Nigeria,

Thank you for your continued support for Intersociety in the preceding years especially in 2021. Thank you for directly or indirectly joining us in the fight and consistent insistence that a Nigeria and Global Society must be a place where human rights, rule of law and societal decency and orderliness are the common feature and practice at all times. Going by the postulators of the ‘Shastra’ and ‘Legis’ Jurisprudential Schools of Thoughts dating back to thousands of years ago: “without law, control system, watchdog and justice (restitution, compensation and penalty), human being and his/her society would have turned into a society of endless lawlessness and disorderliness-and without a limited Government capable of ensuring social contract, social justice and equality, super humans (the rich and the powerful) would have endlessly eaten up the Low and turned around to start eating themselves. This is on account of the fact that every rich or powerful man/woman is inherently and potentially a disciple of suppression and slavery”. The “Anarchists” such as “The Russian Anarchists” postulated otherwise centuries later but have their postulations crashed out of remembrance or existence.

It is also on account of the former that the first Human Rights organization in the world-The Anti Slavery International was formed in 1848. In 2021, just like the previous years since 2008; Together With You, we kept up the fight and burned candle of courage and nobility ceaselessly. Together With You, hundreds were freed, death of thousands exposed, the victims identified and their perpetrators exposed and archived in readiness for the day of justice or accountability. The worst injustice including criminal deaths and brutalities is that that happened or perpetrated with the atrocity, its victims and perpetrators not exposed and archived. This is more so when the Lombroso and the Sutherland Schools of Criminology made it very clear that “when a crime or conduct atrocity is perpetrated un-exposed, un-investigated and un-documented, no crime or conduct atrocity is perpetrated and no perpetrator has been identified and liable for accountability”.

Going by the above definition by the United Nations Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime & Abuse of Office (1985), all the apostles and disciples of justice in Nigeria including You and alongside the slain, injured, tortured, abducted, disappeared and property victims; are all victims of the State Crimes and Abuse of Power. Therefore, Together With You in this 2022, we must keep fighting to free people who are unlawfully detained, those wrongfully jailed and people who are unjustly imprisoned. We must join hands in putting to an end all forms of torture, arbitrary arrests and detention without trials, atrocious abductions and involuntary disappearances, unlawful killings, unlawful executions and extra legal, extra jus and extra judicial killings. Together With You, we must join hands to end state security actors’ burning of civilian homes and sacred places of worship and livelihoods as well as other forms of property violence or crimes against property.

Intersociety Team/Family thank especially the Media (the print, online/blogs and audio-visual) for their priceless efforts by publishing our research and investigative works without mandatory price tag. Not forgotten are highly respected and private persons or bodies that periodically and voluntarily call us to thank us for jobs well done and among them are those that periodically donate their widow’s mite in support of our advocacy works. Thankfully remembered are our social media friends, volunteers and followers numbering hundreds of thousands, if not millions who celebrate and widely our works. Let us jointly keep up the fight in 2022!

In Solidarity, Intersociety Team, Onitsha, Eastern Nigeria