
Intersociety As Nigeria’s Nostradamus As INEC’s Shambolic And In-House Brutally Rigged Presidential Poll Has Come To Fruition

as Election Day voter disenfranchisement had risen to 6m in SE/SS and 4m in Lagos, Ogun, FCT and others

…int’l funding to INEC and rubberstamping CSOs shall be embargoed and all INEC commissioners denied visas, etc

Onitsha, Eastern Nigeria

Tuesday, 28th Feb 2023

Election Day Disenfranchisement Risen To 6m In SE/SS And 4m In Lagos, FCT, Ogun, etc

Intersociety’s post presidential poll finding has credibly disclosed that not less than 6m turned-out voters with PVCs were brutally disenfranchised on the Election Day of 25th Feb 2023. The finding further showed that average of 500,000 active voters were shut out and disenfranchised in each of the eleven States in Eastern Nigeria with Rivers, Imo and Ebonyi States as the worst hit where the poll was also brutally rigged for APC. There was estimated 50% PVC-holders voter turnout or intended voter turnout in each of the eleven States. Out of three major factors that caused the massive disenfranchisement, 60% was inescapably blamed on INEC deliberately created late arrival of voting materials and staffs/BVAS failure/failure to track active voters’ names in the voters’ list, while non arrival of voting materials and staffs took 20% and election postponement 20%. In the whole, the Commission was responsible for 80% and sitting governors and their allied others including “Government Unknown Gunmen” insecurity and fears took 20%. In Anambra State, not less than 1m-1.5m came out and over half of the latter were brutally deprived voting. In Imo State where election never took place in over ten local government areas, killer activities of the “Government Unknown Gunmen” and incurable incompetence and sabotage of INEC forced over 500,000 active voters not to vote. In Enugu State, late arrival of voting materials and staffs forced over 500,000 active voters not to vote. In Rivers State, the “Nwike conspiratorial game plan” forced over 1m=1.5m active voters not to vote. In Delta State, late arrival of voting material and staffs and rival group violence brutally delayed the poll and shut out 500,000-1m active voters. These are just to mention but a few.  Similarly, what happened in Lagos State was an eye opener where hundreds of thousands were scared and shut out violently or fearfully from voting. The results declared, independently speaking, are not true reflection of the actual total that validly voted. In Ogun, FCT and Eastern dominant areas of the far North (Katsina, Sokoto, Zamfara, Kebbi, Borno, Yobe, Bauchi, etc), the story was generally the same.

‘Results’ Announced At APC World Press Conference Appeared To Be Duplicated For INEC

The conspiracy between INEC and APC in the ongoing armada of presidential poll rigging brazenly came to the fore yesterday afternoon (Monday, 27th Feb 2023) when the APC Presidential Campaign Council held a world press conference and openly usurped the statutory functions of INEC by disclosing the “summed up results of each of the six geopolitical zones” and boasted that “it was coasting to victory”. Shockingly, this was when the National Collation Center in Abuja had not announced up to five States’ results; done in clear violation of the 2022 Electoral Act as amended. The despicable and desperate act of the APC further exposed its brazen conspiracy with INEC and lent credence to the fact that INEC has been announcing ‘results’ prepared for it by APC. The brazen abandonment of BVAS/IReV and resort to manual collation is a further attestation to the above fact.

EU, US, UK, France, Others Must Embargo Funding To INEC And Rubberstamping CSOs

The uselessness of multimillion dollar international funding supports to Nigeria’s INEC and its rubberstamping CSOs has been brought to the fore as far as the 2023 Presidential Poll is concerned. The funding to INEC from which rubberstamping CSOs receive substantial cuts, has castrated the CSOs, gagged and made them appendages of INEC who go about with reckless abandon, rubberstamping its roguish electoral management. Therefore, beyond strong condemnation of the despicable role of the Commission in the just held 2023 shambolic Presidential Poll, the authorities of EU, US, UK, France and other internationally respected Democracies and democracy funding support institutions are called upon to place embargo on funding of INEC and focus more attention on checkmating voters’ disenfranchisement especially during Continuous Voters’ Registration and Distribution of Permanent Voters’ Cards in Nigeria or any part thereof. The respected international democracy actors called upon, including 32 of them written on 10th Feb 2023 should also emphasis on full digitalization of voting process in Nigeria or dualization of same to include electronic PVC and manual PVC voting; whereby registered voters can vote from their homes or choose to vote physically at polling units with their votes count. We also prayerfully urge them to blacklist all serving Resident Electoral Commissioners and National Commissioners of INEC and the Commission’s Chairman by denying them visas and access to international engagements and recognitions. These solemn prayers of ours are as a matter of uttermost immediacy and urgent international importance.

Brutal Rigging Of 2023 Presidential Poll: We Are Nigeria’s Nostradamus

The International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law (Intersociety) has become Nigeria’s ‘Nostradamus’ as far as Nigeria’s shambolic and INEC in-house brutally rigged 2023 presidential poll is concerned. It is historically reminded that ‘Michel de Nostredame, Latinized as ‘Nostradamus, was a French astrologer, apothecary, physician and reputed seer; best known for his ‘Les Propheties’, a collection of 942 poetic quantrains predicting futures. The great French seer and predictor of futures, was born on 14th Dec 1503 in Saint-Remy-de-Provence, France and he died on 2nd July 1566. It is further reminded that ‘researchers and investigators are living and immortal seers and predictors as what they see and say today take others several months or years to understand or comprehend’.

Intersociety, therefore, saw the Nigeria’s INEC’s macabre dance and shameless display of broad day armada of electoral fraud and roguery coming to fruition. Apart from forensically monitoring the Commission since June 2021 when it commenced another shambolic exercise, called “Continuous Voters’ Registration (CVR)’, we also make bold to say that what remains of minutest corporate integrity and independence of the Commission totally collapsed in Sept 2022 when card carrying members of the central ruling APC and integrity challenged others were presidentially smuggled in and quickly rubber-stamped by Senate as “INEC’s new National Commissioners and State Resident Electoral Commissioners”. These were done magisterially despite widespread public outcries; with the biased appointees appeared to have received matching orders to massively subvert the sacred electoral wishes of the Nigerian citizens in the Feb 25, 2023 Presidential Poll, which came to fruition three days ago. Totality of the above brings to the fore why other Government poll rigging institutions such as the Nigerian Military displayed commendable non partisanship for the first time in history during the poll. It must be boldly stated that the 2023 presidential poll was massively and brutally rigged in-house by INEC by many, if not most of its State Resident Electoral Commissioners (“State Returning Officers”) and others procured as “Chief Collation Officers” mainly integrity challenged academics. Others involved are the so called “INEC National Commissioners” as well as the INEC Chairman with vicarious and direct liability inescapably hanging around his neck.

Remembering Our 27-Page Special Investigative Report On INEC’s 50 Rigging Plots

The Nostradamus status of Intersociety totally hinges on the above named Special Investigative Report commenced in June 2022. The Special Investigative Report followed our discovery of INEC’s gross policy and conduct inconsistencies, empty promises and contradictory figures. There were also countless fake assurances of “speed and workability of BVAS and IReV voter accreditation or processing and voting technologies and their zero tolerance for all forms of poll rigging including detection and elimination of ineligible voters/voting (.i.e. impersonated voting using fake PVCs, underage, multiple and alien voters). Intersociety recalls that INEC Chairman made such empty promises within and beyond Nigeria over 65 times while his National Commissioner on Voter Education made same over 110 times. The 27-Page Special Investigative Report was also built on findings and analyses of INEC statistical statements. It must be boldly stated that INEC got into this mess because of its top hierarchy’s desperation to collapse the Nigeria’s central political leadership and the country into “one religion” with radical propagation. If not, the Commission would not have fallen into such messiest abyss. The Special Investigative Report was finally wrapped up with identification of “over 50 poll rigging plots” hatched by the Commission ahead of the 2023 Presidential Poll, brought to the fore in the just held shambolic 2023 Presidential poll. The Report was capped up with two international press conferences held in Enugu on 25th Dec 2022 and 19th Feb 2023 and one of the shocking discoveries was “12 notorious presidential poll rigging States” with seven in the North-West, four in the North-East and one in the North-Central; which played out exactly as exposed in the just held 2023 shambolic presidential Poll. In the Report, too, was the discovery of estimated 20m ineligible identities in the National Register of Voters. In the end; and as exposed in the Special Report, INEC somersaulted and resorted to wide scale rigging of the 2023 presidential poll using manual and discarding BVAS.

For: International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law (Intersociety)

Emeka Umeagbalasi (Board Chair), Chinwe Umeche Esquire (Head of Democracy) and Chidinma Udegbunam Esquire (Head of Publicity)

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