
EGBE-EJIEJEOGU’s Arrest: The Reputation Of Queen Theresa Onuorah Remains Intact And Unstained


Onitsha, Thursday, 2nd  June 2022

The attention of Int’l Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law has been drawn to deliberate misrepresentation and misinterpretation of facts and attempts to tarnish the hard earned image and reputation of the revered Queen Theresa Onuorah and her famous EGEDEGE Cultural Dance by a section of bloggers, social media activists, media establishments, communicators and commentators. This followed Intersociety’s forensic and independent disclosure concerning the high profile arrest of an Unubi High Chief/Herbalist, Damian Chukwujekwu Onuorah by the operatives of the Anambra DSS under Director Enoch Pawa. His high profile arrest was in connection with the abduction, disappearance, killing and decapitation of Hon Okechukwu Okoye. The serving House Member was abducted on 15th May 2022 and beheaded and decapitated several days after. He was abducted and later traced to Unubi in Nnewi South Local Government Area of Anambra State from where he was beheaded after several days in captivity.

Intersociety had while throwing more factual light on the communal and family backgrounds of the arrested Unubi High Chief accused of being a major target or suspect in the dastardly act, disclosed that he came from the family of the revered EGEDEGE Cultural Dance Queen or famous Onuorah Family of Unubi; adding that he is one of the blood brothers of the revered EGEDEGE Queen. Intersociety also strongly condemned the burning down of their (Obi) Family House and properties including an automobile and disrespect meted out to their aged mother who is presumably in her late 90s or early 100s and who was dragged out of the House and rendered instantly homeless before the House was set ablaze and burnt to ashes. The statement also condemned attempts to stigmatize, degrade and humiliate the Family by burning down the Family House; thereby transferring criminal liability by other means to other members of the Family including their aged mother, the respected Queen of EGEDEGE and wife and children of the arrested High Chief of Unubi Kingdom. Intersociety had further explained the roles of the arrested High Chief who is strongly suspected to be the kingpin of those involved in the dastardly act and one of which was the use of the sim-card belonging to the beheaded lawmaker in making several criminal calls; a malicious privilege accorded only to ‘a chief priest or leader of a murderous or violent criminal gang’.

Damian Chukwujekwu Onuorah, Not Queen Theresa Onuorah Is Accused And Arrested

As clearly explained in Intersociety’s forensic statement of yesterday, being 1st June 2022, nowhere was Queen Theresa Onuorah mentioned as a suspect or an accomplice in the dastardly act, except the fact that the suspected High Chief is her blood brother and third in command in the Family. We are therefore shocked and surprised to receive a barrage of calls since yesterday evening especially from the Manager of the EGEDEGE Queen (Theresa Onuorah) lamenting series of misrepresentation and misinterpretation of the facts of the matter by the referenced media and communication activists. Apart from corroborating and confirming the facts of the matter as put out by Intersociety, the EGEDEGE Queen’s Manager was of the opinion that “we should not have included the family background of the arrested suspect-leading to mentioning of the family’s surname, the EGEDEGE Queen (Theresa Onuorah) and the EGEDEGE”.

Intersociety therefore wishes to clarify that: 1. Queen Theresa Onuorah was nowhere mentioned in the statement as a suspect or an accomplice. 2. That the fact that every natural family unit consists of the good, the better and the best or the good, the bad and the ugly does not mean that in situation of perpetration of any social vice or criminal wrongdoing by a member of the family, the family name and all its members are involved or collectively culpable. 3. That in the case of Queen Theresa Onuorah and her EGEDEGE Cultural Dance, her reputation and integrity remain intact and unstained until the otherwise is established. 4. That reportorial or writing discretion does not include deliberate misrepresentation and misinterpretation of the facts of the matter or open or remote transfer of criminal liability or responsibility to those never involved. 5. That it is reprehensible and totally condemnable to import or doctor the original text of the original writing group and intent of what has been written by the original writers and 6. That Queen Theresa Onuorah and her nuclear and extended Family names other than the accused must be accorded with dignity and respect and must not be wholly linked to dastardly acts they know nothing about or supported or aided or abetted. 

For: Intersociety:  Emeka Umeagbalasi (Criminologist), Barr Obianuju Igboeli, Barr Chidimma Udegbunam